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Mistress Wellbeing

Nov 22, 2022

Sometimes the way forward in life is to take a leap.
A careful, supported leap, that will transform the way you see your life and who you have been for decades, so that you can create a vibrant, potent way of being in the world, and realise your genius.
I explain it as an upgrade of the operating system, just like a phone or computer.
Most of us are operating from a set of beliefs which arose in childhood and adolescence, it’s called conditioning, and it consists of limiting beliefs which keep us safe, small, and limited.
I have a few beauties of my own which I’ve been undoing this last weekend at the Brisbane visual arts pop up where I sold much of my ceramic work to people who responded to, and loved it as much as I do.
It was so affirming!
And blasted my belief that, ‘I don’t do art’ and ‘I’m not creative’, into the stratosphere.
Today I'm exploring this and more on the podcast.